Owners with Group Permissions
  • Dashboard - Groups
  • Landing page populates the overall number of each group type - Total Number of Public Groups, Private Groups, and Lists
  • Search for a particular group to edit by clicking within the “Find a Group” section (this will populate all of the groups within your oversight). Click “See More Results” to scroll through them all or start typing in the name of the Group to filter
  • Click “Details” next to the Group
  • Select the Action Menu (...) under the Group Title/Description
  • From here, you can Edit the Name or Description, Change the Status (Public or Private), or Delete altogether


To add additional members:

  1. Click the + next to Members at the top of the member list
  2. Start typing in additional members (name, email
  3. Select from the populated list


To make an Owner of the Group:


  1. Select the Action Menu (...) next to the member's name
  2. Choose "Make an Owner"
To delete members:


  1. Select the Action Menu (...) next to the member's name
  2. Choose "Remove from Group"