General Announcement: Intended for school activities and general informative news. Delivery is based on each member's notification preferences (in-app, email, text, phone call) in addition to the announcement creator's delivery method selection (email, text, and/or phone call). General announcements will not send during district quiet hours, but will send as soon as the hours expire.

Emergency Announcement: Intended for emergency matters such as a weather cancellation or school lockdown. Due to the serious nature of Emergency situations, notifications send to ALL communication channels available (in-app, email, SMS text, phone call). Emergency announcements may only be sent for approved “Emergency Purposes” and will send immediately, overriding district quiet hours. Please refer to the TCPA Guidelines

Urgent Announcement: Intended for instances for important messages that aren't true '"Emergencies". The difference: in order to send this type of message, the sender must have special permissions (See Customizing Member Permissions) by another Moderator (an Admin cannot update his/her own permissions). 

The urgent message will override notification preferences like an Emergency but without an "Emergency" label in emails, the feed or text messages associated with the content. An urgent message also abides by quiet hours. Please refer to the TCPA Guidelines

To send an announcement, please see Creating Announcements.