Auto-Alerts are district-dependent. You may have none, some, or all of these alerts. The Auto-Alert tab will populate within the Dashboard after the first announcement sends.

Attendance - Grade - Nutrition delivery data

  1. Click on the Dashboard icon
  2. Choose Auto-Alerts
  3. Select Attendance or Grade or Nutrition (this feature is district-dependent)
  4. Select a date range (7 days at a time), day, or click “Export Yesterday” to download a CSV file that includes delivery results - phone, SMS text, and/or email stats


The report indicates the current status at the time of the download, but the data freezes after two days post-delivery.

Language within the delivery report is based on the current language in the system at the time of the export. 

Calling Logic: 
We will attempt to call all available phone numbers for an individual recipient and a "live" person or voicemail is the goal. Once a person answers or a voicemail is left, we will not call the next phone number associated with that person.  
If nobody answers the phone call (live person or voicemail), the number goes back into a queue and we attempt again in 15 - 20 minutes. We attempt a retry twice. If a person has more than one phone number in the system, we attempt the mobile number 3 times, then move to home phone for 3 attempts, and finally, work number for 3 attempts.

See Also: Announcement and Auto-Alert Delivery Definitions