Released October 6, 2019 

General and Emergency SMS Text messages now default to use a pre-translated message and an optional link: 

General Announcement default message: "[Group Name] has sent a message: To view: [Link to Feed Version]".

Emergency Announcement default message: "[Group Name] has sent an EMERGENCY message: To view: [Link to Feed Version]". 

Note: Triggered/Auto-Alert announcements delivered with an SMS option such as Attendance, Nutrition or Grade are not impacted by this change.

The link takes recipients to the feed version of the announcement that was created during Step 1 of the announcement creation process.

Step 1 of the announcement creation process - this message will display in the Feed. You can customize the Feed content by clicking the "Customize" button at the bottom of the screen.

SMS (Short Messaging Service) text provides a maximum of 160 characters. You can customize the SMS message (capping at 160 characters). If you choose to customize AND include a link to the feed content, we reserve 60 characters for the link, leaving you 100 characters for your custom content.

If you de-select the link option and customize the content, you will have access to the full 160 characters but no link to the feed version will be delivered. 

Sample General SMS delivery of the default message:

Sample Emergency delivery of the default message:

Message display after clicking on the link. At this time, it is a single feed item and does not include navigational components. Members will need to access the app through the normal means if seeking to view other activity.